DAHTH (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handtherapie)
"Physical therapy" - C2
If you complete the "Physical therapy - intensive course" course with us, you can take it directly as module C
"Manual mobilization - C3"
If you complete the entire series of courses with us, including the examination for "Manual Therapist - Upper Extremity", you can have this credited by the DAHTH for the complete module "Manual Mobilization - C 3".
- It is also possible to achieve this module if you complete the four courses with us
- Basic hand course
- Advanced hand course
- Elbow basic course
- Shoulder basic course
with us.
Please note, however, that these four courses must be attended by one of our OMT2-qualified instructors (Peter van den Berg, Ansgar Winkelmann or Achim Brunner).
Please pay attention to the instructor when booking the course!!!!
When completing our full training course, you are free to choose the individual instructors!
AFH (Academy for Hand Rehabilitation)
Participants who have attended the elbow, shoulder and spine seminars with us can have these events credited as part of the AFH certified hand therapist module series.
If graduates of the AFH certified hand therapist module series would like to complete our “Manual therapist - upper extremity” training, we will also credit the seminar modules (HT9 to HT11 of the AFH certified hand therapist module series).
This means that the training courses for the respective training concepts do not have to be attended twice.
Direct course-by-course recognition for the following modules:
EFZ courses: | AFH courses: |
Basic elbow course | HT 9 advanced level hand I “Hand and elbow” |
Shoulder basic course | HT 10 Advanced level hand II “Hand and shoulder” |
Spine courses | HT 11 advanced level hand III “Hand and spine” |
Chiemsee Academy Traunstein
Due to the high level of recognition of the “Manual Therapist Upper Extremity” certificate, more and more graduates are receiving patient inquiries requesting knowledge from the “Lower Extremity and Spinal Sections” area.
With the Chiemsee-Akademie Traunstein, we have an outstanding partner for these areas of training.
Anatomical Institute of the University of Leipzig
Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg
Die gemeinsame Arbeit mit dem Anatomischen Institut der Universität Leipzig und der Paracelsus Medizinischen Privatuniversität in Salzburg machen es uns möglich, außerordentlich interessante und lehrreiche Präparationstage durchzuführen.